Wye Valley Youth Rangers is a 2-year programme for 14 to 18-year-olds, run by staff from the Wye Valley AONB unit. You will try out all sorts of activities, from kayaking to wildlife surveying, archaeology to bushcraft, film making to fly fishing. You will learn new skills including drystone walling, hedge laying, green woodworking, ecology and conservation skills. You will also learn team and leadership skills, conquer fears and rise to new challenges with the backing of a supportive team.
You will make new friends as we explore the landscape of the Wye Valley together, discovering the most beautiful and interesting parts of our special AONB landscape. At the end of the 2-year programme you will have a much deeper understanding of, and respect for, our unique countryside and heritage.
Youth Rangers AONB from Rural Media on Vimeo.
Participating in Youth Rangers can lead to a number of qualifications including first aid, kayaking and the John Muir Award. https://www.johnmuirtrust.org/john-muir-award. Many Youth Rangers use their time with the programme to fulfil Duke of Edinburgh requirements for Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. Other Youth Rangers have gone on to study ecology, geography, biology, countryside management and agriculture at university. One of our Youth Rangers went on to a job at the Perrystone Estate as a trainee Gamekeeper.
Youth Rangers is a free programme, although each Youth Ranger’s place costs around £2900, through the provision of specialist tuition, adventure activities, branded clothing, equipment, transport and staff training.
To get involved contact Sarah Sawyer Tel: 01600 710844 Email: community@wyevalleyaonb.org.uk
Youth Rangers is run in collaboration with and support from the Foresters Forest, a National Lottery Heritage Funded Landscape Partnership Programme.
The Wye Valley AONB unit operates to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults involved as visitors and as participants in all of our activities. If you have any concerns please let us know, either in person or via email.