A Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) has overseen the Wye Valley AONB since 1972. Unlike a National Park Authority, the JAC is not a planning authority. The role of the Joint Advisory Committee is one of advising and guiding the statutory authorities regarding issues within the AONB/National Landscape. The JAC has, for many years, been a strong partnership, its constitution and membership reflecting the cross-border nature of the National Landscape. The committee meets formally three times a year, usually in early March, July and November in the Forest of Dean District Council Chamber in Coleford. Agendas & Minutes are available here.
The JAC formally endorses the statutory AONB Management Plan every five years and it oversees the delivery of the Plan and the National Landscape Team Business Plan. The JAC is supported by a Technical Officers Working Party, the National Landscape Steering Group and the National Landscape Team. This governance structure offers the benefits of local accountability through elected members and access to specialists, with both local and national knowledge, supported by dedicated professional staff. Monmouthshire County Council provides the Clerk to the JAC.
Local Authorities (voting)
Co-opted (voting)
Co-opted (non-voting)
Officers in attendance &/or in the Technical Officers Working Party (TOWP)
Environment Agency
Forest of Dean District Council
Forestry Commission
Forestry England
Gloucestershire County Council
Herefordshire Council
Historic England
Monmouthshire County Council
Natural England
Natural Resources Wales
Wye Valley National Landscape Team
2pm Monday 8th July 2024 (venue: Coleford*)
2pm Monday 4th November 2024 (venue: Coleford*)
2pm Monday 3rd March 2025 (TBC)
* venue: Council Chamber, Forest of Dean District Council, Coleford GL16 8HG
JAC meetings are usually held on the first Monday of March, July & November at 2pm