The Wye Valley National Landscape Partnership produces Position Statements in order to expand on policies and content contained within the current Wye Valley AONB Management Plan as part of our commitment to the ‘conserving and enhancing’ purpose of AONB designation. For development proposals to be compatible with the Wye Valley AONB Management Plan, they should be compatible with the relevant position statements and guidance. These Position Statements will now be referred to in responses to Development Management/Strategic Planning consultations with the Local Planning Authorities who are within the National Landscape.
Revised Position Statements on Housing and Landscape-led Development for the Wales side of the Wye Valley National Landscape are currently being produced and will subsequently be published bilingually given the different planning regimes between England & Wales. A Position Statement on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy is also currently being drafted. These will be published as soon as reasonably possible.
For further information on any of the above, please contact: